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AquaActiv BioKick 200 ml


Order no.: 50295
Container size: 200 ml

Product characteristics
Wakes up the biology in the filter in the spring or for a new start
Detoxification of nitrite, ammonium, and ammonia starts immediately
Also recommended for post dosing if some of the water is changed or after cleaning the filter
Follow up dose is not required
Easy to use
Free of pathogens
More than 10 million active microorganisms/ml * *At the time of filling
Ideal for near natural garden ponds
Full capacity of the pond filter within a few weeks
Wakes up the biology in the filter in the spring or for a new start
More than 10 million microorganisms ml*
Full capacity of the pond filter within a few weeks


Order no.: 50295
Container size: 200 ml
Suitable for ponds up to max.: 10 m3
Optimal supplements: Safe&Care, OptiPond


Download Documents

Brochure: AquaActiv BioKick 100 ml

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